Google has a long history of making its products cross-platform but Android Wear has worked exclusively with other Android devices for quite some time now. That’s all going to change soon, if a recent rumor is to be believed, as the company is apparently working on an official Android Wear app for iOS that will allow devices such as the iPhone to send push notifications to Android Wear devices.
If you want to use all of the features that an Android Wear smartwatch offers then you are required to hook it up to an Android smartphone. Most smartwatches aren’t 3G or 4G enabled so they need to feed off the data connection from the smartphone. There is no official support for the iPhone yet but Google has never outright denied that support for the iPhone is impossible. Word on the street is that Android Wear iPhone support is coming soon. We recently picked up on a method created by an individual developer that hooks up an Android Wear smartwatch to the iPhone and allows the device to push notifications but that’s as far as the functionality goes if you opt for this unofficial trick. A French publication claims that Google is “preparing to launch” an official Android Wear app for iOS. It doesn’t provide much details about the app or what features might be supported once Android Wear smartwatches are officially allowed to work with Apple’s smartphones.