How is the BlackBerry PRIV more secure than other Android devices?

Privacy and security are one of BlackBerry’s biggest selling points, if not its only ones, and that’s not going to change with the BlackBerry PRIV. In fact, the company’s first Android smartphone is called the PRIV because it’s so PRIVate, which is a really stupid name, but at least it makes the company’s priorities abundantly clear. That being said, what exactly makes the PRIV more private and secure than other Android smartphones? Well, BlackBerry took it upon itself to explain just that in a recent blog post, which lists all the ways the PRIV is more private and secure than its competitors. 

I think we all agree that security concerns regarding the Android platform are a bit over-hyped. Some significant threats (like the Stagefright vulnerability) show up from time to time, but those are rare. The average user should be fine as long as he knows how to identify a potentially dangerous situation. Google and other manufacturers have worked hard to make the platform more adept to privacy and security, but those who really want a bullet-proof system will likely trust BlackBerry more. This is what makes the BlackBerry PRIV so exciting. This new phone is supposed to finally merge the user-friendliness and app support Android has to offer with the full security measures BlackBerry once ruled the mobile market with. Let’s take a moment to remember the times when the PRIV was nothing but a rumor. The world went nuts when BlackBerry CEO John Chen mentioned he would consider building an Android device if they could make it as secure as they have made BB10. Now that the BlackBerry PRIV is public, we have to wonder if they actually accomplished meeting the standards all those business men and government officials need. Hey, maybe President Obama can have an Android phone now!

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