iOS 8 adoption has reached 48% adoption

Apple’s Craig Federighi took the stage during Apple’s event in San Francisco on Monday and said that in just under four weeks, 48 percent of iOS users are already running iOS 8. 46 percent are on iOS 7 and 6 percent are on an earlier version. Federighi said that means that 94 percent of iOS user are running on an operating system that’s a year old. That’s some pretty good adoption right there, but it’s easier for Apple to roll out these sort of updates to its devices than multiple manufacturers updating to Android, it seems.

While announcing some iOS 8 related updates today at its iPad/Mac press event, Apple’s Craig Federighi today compared adoption of the newly released iOS 8 to the installed base of the most recent Android release, KitKat. In the slide above Apple points out that 48% of users are now on iOS 8 with another 46% of iOS users running the year-old iOS 7 release. That, as Apple points out, compares to 54% of Android users running Android Jelly Bean first released in 2012 with only 25% running the latest Android KitKat release. Apple also noted that iOS 8 was able to achieve its 48% adoption in just 26 days compared to 313 days for KitKat to reach its 25% of Android users. While Apple made a point today of how much faster iOS 8 is being adopted by users compared to recent Android releases, iOS 8 has actually experienced slower adoption compared to last year’s iOS 7 release.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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