Once again Chitika Insights latest web traffic stats for tablets in the U.S. and Canadian markets has rolled out and Apple has crushed their Android competitors handily. Chitika notes that “the proverbial elephant in the room is iPad usage share, which still stands at over 77% of all U.S. and Canadian tablet-based Web traffic.” Chitika noted that Apple’s lead is only down a few percentage points year-over-year, but the current share is very notable in the context of the North American tablet market.
Forget about a close run race — the iPad is absolutely obliterating Android tablets when it comes to web traffic stats. The data, which comes from Chitika Insights, looks at the distribution of Web usage across leading tablet devices for early April 2014. Based on a sampling of tens of millions of U.S. and Canadian tablet-based online ad impressions, it leaves no question who’s ruling the tablet roost. Not only can no other company dream of matching Apple’s success — every Android tablet combined doesn’t come close to knocking it off its throne. The result is what Chitika calls the “elephant in the room,” referring to the iPad’s disproportionate success.
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