It may take aliens to crack new VPN encryption setups

Everyone knows that many governments around the world have been using alien technology for decades, right? If you’re one of those who isn’t buying into the conspiracy theories, you will feel comfortable that a company called PIA is using security protocols that only aliens would be able to crack.

In the wake of the Edward Snowden NSA revelations the use of encryption has become an extremely hot topic. Demand for anonymity tools has increased rapidly and providers are offering better services to satisfy that demand. Today we bring news of a new VPN client from Private Internet Access, one containing features that if regularly configured correctly would require “advanced alien technology” to crack.

Previously the domain of the particularly Internet savvy, in recent years the issue of online privacy has become a regular talking point in many mainstream tech publications.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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