Facebook now offers businesses a form of lessons via a downloadable whitepaper on how they can optimize their Facebook page.
This whitepaper changes monthly and provides knowledgeable insight on how page owners can utilize their page to attract more “likes” and how you can increase engagement. Building lasting relationships with new people and retaining existing ones will certainly help the possibility of gaining a lead or new client.
The idea is to aid businesses who use Facebook as a form of interacting with people nationally, globally or ideally locally to prosper by promoting your page properly with the use of Facebook ad’s or through influencing people who already “like” your brand to help spread the word.
As much as many of us want to consider ourselves masters, there is a right and wrong way to use a Facebook page and now Facebook is willing to provide you with tips and tricks to make your job a little bit easier and more customer service oriented while keeping the focus on your business in the forefront of people’s minds.