Music streaming is popular, really popular. It’s so popular, in fact, that according to a new report from Next Big Sound, people have streamed more than A TRILLION songs in the first half of 2015. The data was taken from Pandora, Rdio, SoundCloud, Spotify, Vevo, Vimeo, and YouTube, which means that all of the other music streaming services, including Apple Music, weren’t even accounted for.
While the merits of streaming music’s economic viability are still up for debate, there’s no debating the medium is here to stay. And if you need proof, we’ve got a number for you: one trillion. That’s right we said trillion — as in a one with 12 zeroes after it. According to a new report from Next Big Sound — which acquired data from YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Pandora, Rdio, Vimeo, and Vevo — that’s how many songs have been streamed in just the first six months of 2015 alone. To put that number into perspective, that averages out to over 140 streams for every single living human being on the planet. And the figure doesn’t even include streams from Apple Music, which has reportedly amassed 11 million trial users since its launch at the end of June.