Google developing child porn protection service and they want to share it with competitors
Business is business until becomes personal. For Google, it’s more important that they help to slow the expansion of child pornography on the web than to have an edge over their competitors, so they’re sharing.
The search giant has access to billions of pictures on the world wide web. Now, they’ve developed a solution to identify known illegal images and remove them from as much of the web as possible. To do this, they need the help of their competitors in a cooperative effort to make it a reality.
According to the Telegraph:
The new database, which is expected to be operational within a year, will allow child porn images which have already been “flagged” by child protection organizations such as the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to be wiped from the web in one fell swoop.
The web has so many amazing things that it can be used for to enhance lives around the world, but this has always been a major black eye for the entire internet. If Google and their competitors can work together to eradicate it, we will be a step closer to eradicating this evil.