Most of us have fallen for the allure of Xbox Achievements at some point since their arrival with the Xbox 360. If you’re still incessantly bumping your Gamerscore, the Xbox One July update’s inclusion of Achievement Snap should be up your alley – rather than stopping your game to check progress, you’ll soon be able to track real-time achievement progression with a quick glance to the right side of your screen. Conquering overly-vague achievement descriptions or challenging feats will also be a bit easier, thanks to a “Get Help” option that will be offered under whichever challenge a user has highlighted. Once clicked, the prompt searches the web for helpful links and videos. You can pin the Achievements they’re focusing on at the top of the snapped app, too.
Hey folks…we’re here in Los Angeles at E3 2014, and it has been a packed house all week long. We filled the Galen Center on Monday for our annual E3 show and rolled out anincredible line-up of blockbuster exclusives for this holiday and next year. And directly after our show, we held a great panel discussion – with Phil, Yusuf and others – for 200 of our biggest Xbox fans. This was the first event of its kind for us…and we loved it. You can also read Phil’s thoughts on the past week at E3 here. As we pack up our booth, we end E3 just as we started: Our focus is on you. You’ve shaped Xbox into what it is today, and we can’t thank you enough. We look forward to hearing more from you over the coming weeks – now, officially on Xbox Feedback – a dedicated channel for all your thoughts and recommendations. From what we’ve seen this week, your feedback continues to be amazing. As of today, more than 65,000 fans like you have suggested more than 4,300 ideas and contributed over 181,000 votes. As we head home, we can’t wait to dig into your ideas and explore what may be possible for the future of Xbox. What better way to keep this momentum going than to share what’s coming in July. Here’s a shortlist of features rolling out in the next few days to folks getting early access to the Xbox One system update.
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