14-year-old gets father to pay her $200 to take 6-month break from Facebook

Facebook Deactivation Agreement

If you’re going to give up something that you really enjoy, you might as well get paid for it. That was the mentality of a 14-year-old girl who wanted to focus on “getting a job and working harder at school” when she asked her father to draft a different sort of contract.

The agreement, shown above, was that she would get off of Facebook for 6 months in exchange for cold hard cash. According to Buzzfeed:

Paul Baier, a vice president for Boston energy firm Groom Energy Solutions, drafted up a legal agreement for his 14-year-old daughter Rachel. The contract agrees to award Rachel $200 if she can stay off Facebook for six months. She gets $50 in April and another $150 in June. The funniest part is that it was her idea. She wanted to get a job and focus more on school.



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