The Facebook IPO timeline

Facebook on Nasdaq

I admit it. When I stated in June, 2011, that Facebook would be the worst tech investment in history, I didn’t know how bad it was going to get. I knew it was going to be awful. I just didn’t realize it was going to be THIS awful.

Despite the follies, the company is still going strong. They’ve licked their wounds from the poor launch, watched as people became super rich overnight, then about half as rich a couple of months later, and kept with the vision of expanding the network and improving the service. So far, it’s really not that bad (as long as you’re not one of the initial investors) but it’s still funny to take a look at where they’ve been the past few months. This infographic does just that. Enjoy.

infographic facebook troubles bad data

Bad Data and Bad Decisions: Facebooks’s Sinking IPO – An infographic by the team at Data Quality Infographic

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Facebook IPO” image courtesy of Shutterstock.



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