When people spend too much time on a game, they are often ridiculed. In the case of Vincent Ocasla, he took science and art to the highest level in Sim City 3000 by making a “perfect” city. It only took him 4 years.
See how he took the game as seriously as it can be taken:
50,000 year-old Sim City, “Magnasanti”, holds 6 million Sims

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this is sick
Now that person sure mastered that game.
@abb249055208c7af4d35568e422dfd63:disqus ….Тhis is сrаzу…Мy friеnd`s sistеr mакеs 78/hr оn thе intеrnеt. Shе hаs bееn unеmрlоуеd fоr 11 mоnths but lаst mоnth hеr incоmе wаs 7985$ јust wоrкing оn thе РС fоr а fеw hоurs. Read about it here …….<b></b>