A new social media site just for your grandparents is in the works

Grandparents Social Media

It’s bad news enough when your mother discreetly sends you a friend request via your favorite social media site. This means every unsavory picture or comment you have needs to be addressed, blocked, or deleted lest your mother goes into a tailspin. Yet it could be worse, you could find yourself staring at a friend request from your dear old grandmother or grandfather. Good news though! A brand new social media site is making your Pop Pop their next target audience.

If your grandparent has their own Facebook profile you may experience some of the most cringe worthy posts and comments. Your page maybe be flooded by accidental posts or maybe Grandpa is just commenting on your pictures in all capital letters. Regardless, it’s fantastic knowing a loving grandparent is enjoying this wide world of social media. However, maybe Nana doesn’t need to be filling her Timeline with the latest Farmville news. Maybe what Nana needs is her very own social networking site, far from Mark Zuckerberg’s world.

Grandparents.com, the “Ultimate Resource for Grandparents”, has decided to launch its very own social media app just for beloved grandmas and grandpas everywhere. While the focus of the site is on the lifestyle of today’s grandparents it also mimics popular social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Using The PhotoVideogram ™ app, grandparents will have the ability to upload their own photos and videos that can be shared, liked, and commented on. The app has been developed by Ashe Avenue and theConspiracy, two New York technology firms.

It’s actually quite reassuring knowing there will be a social media site specifically made for grandparents. Perhaps a site like this will allow grandparents who are unused to social media to feel more comfortable and knowledgeable about the internet. Grandparents.com is hopeful that the app will be released in September of this year. The concept of grandparents having their own sanctuary on the internet is wonderful. However, if Grandma shuns Facebook for Grandparents.com you’ll no longer be able to drop hints about wanting a new iPhone case for your birthday on her Timeline.

How does the Grandparents.com App make you feel? Is it reassuring knowing your beloved Nona and Pop will be connected to other grandparents using social media? Or would you prefer if your grandmother would stick with Facebook and keep on making comments on your photos about “how big you’ve grown”?


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