Air Canada to begin offering free Wi-Fi on North American flights

Air Canada is introducing Wi-Fi access to dozens of its aircraft beginning in May, with the aim of making wireless internet available on 130 of its narrow-bodied, North American aircraft by the end of 2015. Email, internet and mobile device apps will be made available on 29 aircraft this year, Air Canada announced Tuesday, making it the second Canadian airline to recently announce Wi-Fi services on flights. 

Air Canada is the latest airline to roll out technology on its planes to ensure your boss will be able to contact you at any time.The airline said Wednesday it’s set to introduce an in-flight Wi-Fi service to its fleet of aircraft across North America, with installation starting next month. The aim is to equip 29 of its jets with the technology by the end of this year, with a targeted completion date slated for December 2015 for its 130 narrow-body aircraft. Partnering with Gogo for the service, the carrier has been testing out Wi-Fi on a number of flights between Canada and the US for several months now, offering it for free till the end of June. After that, use of the service will incur a fee, with pricing promised to be “competitive with other in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity offerings.”

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