Amazon has partnered up with Purdue University

Purdue students looking for a good deal on their textbooks now have an easier way to find them, thanks to a partnership between Amazon and Purdue University. The two organizations teamed up to create the Purdue Student Store on Amazon, a specially-branded homepage that’s designed to give students a portal to online shopping. While there, students will see Purdue branding as they shop, and the store’s homepage features student essentials front-and-center, including Purdue branded clothing and accessories.

Amazon debuted a program that seemed both inevitable and unthinkable earlier this year, depending on your perspective, when it teamed with UC Davis for a unique school specific storefront that provided a cut of sales to the school (2 percent to be exact). Amazon has a new school storefront out today, with Purdue as its partner. The program is designed to offer significant savings to students, Purdue says, while also providing a cut to the University to be fed into its affordability and accessibility undertakings. The program at Purdue resembles the one at UC Davis debuted at the beginning of the year, but with a twist: Amazon is also actually going to be staffing on-campus ‘store’ type locations, reserved for pick-up and drop-off of orders made through the Amazon Purdue store. Purdue students will also get more benefits as the year progresses, as they’ll get free one-day shipping on Purdue textbooks shipped to the campus area as of early next year, and also on items beyond textbooks when they’re shipped to the staffed pickup locations directly.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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