I suppose this is just a bit of housekeeping for our readers out there who want to make sure they’re referring to products accurately, but just an FYI: Amazon has decided to drop the Kindle moniker from the full names of its Android-powered tablets. The new tablets are officially dubbed the Fire HD and Fire HDX, CNET noticed recently, instead of “Kindle Fire HD” and “Kindle Fire HDX.”
Amazon has quietly dropped the “Kindle” moniker from its line of tablets, now simply called Fire HD or Fire HDX. The e-commerce company expanded its tablet line, along with its e-reader offerings, last week, but didn’t draw attention to the change. A company spokeswoman confirmed the new names for the mobile devices, formerly called Kindle Fire tablets.The rebranding highlights the division that Amazon wants to put between its more basic Kindle e-readers and its more advanced Fire tablets. It also further ties the tablet family to Amazon’s Fire line of devices, which now includes the Fire TV and the Fire Phone. It’s a bit of a head-scratcher considering that these devices are not as well-known as Amazon’s e-readers. Still, it could serve as a window into what Amazon has in store for its devices in the future.