Amazon just signed a $50 to $70 million licensing deal with Crytek

Crytek is known for developing the Crysis series as well as the CryEngine that powers plenty of games on the market, the newest of which is Turtle Rock’s Evolve. However, the company hasn’t been doing too well recently, but that’s not a problem because Crytek just sign ed a $50 to $70 million licensing deal with Amazon for its game engine. 

Crytek, the developer behind Crysis who faced layoffs and other financial hardships last year, was apparently saved by Amazon, sources at Kotaku report. Amazon has agreed to a $50-70 million-dollar licensing deal for Crytek’s CryEngine technology, which was reportedly substantial enough to save the company. Crytek co-founder Faruk Yerli hinted at the parternship in mid-March, referring to the deal as “a huge one, probably the biggest one.” Beyond Crytek’s own titles, CryEngine 3 has seen fair adoption in the industry as the engine powering Turtle Rock’s Evolve, Bethesda’s upcoming BattleCry, and the crowdfunded Star Citizen. That gorgeous trailer posted earlier today for an imagined remake of BioShock was also done in CryEngine 3.

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