Google’s recently announced Android Wear platform for wearable devices has sparked a lot of interest around Google’s vision of what smartwatches should do, especially considering the amazingly designed Motorola’s Moto 360 smartwatch which is based on Android Wear. However, potential buyers and developers may have missed a very important point: just like any other wearables, Android Wear devices will not work as standalone smart gadgets.
In our latest Ask a Dev, Android Engineer Sagar Seth discusses how developers can get ready to build for Android Wear, Android’s new wearables SDK. “While developing for Android Wear, you have to keep one thing in mind — the goal is simplicity,” says Seth. “So no overcrowded UI.” Our developer experts are from Mutual Mobile, a leading development and design firm that builds mobile strategies for top companies such as Audi, Google and Citigroup. The team is eager to answer your questions about mobile, so ping us with your top queries on Twitter, using the hashtag #AskaDev. Don’t forget to check out our Ask a Dev YouTube channel and subscribe.
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