It seems Comcast has a new method of dealing with customers who want out. YouTube user Aaron Spain uploaded a video on Monday titled “Comcast put me on hold until they closed,” which was quickly picked up by Reddit. After several no-shows by Comcast’s technicians to set up service in his new apartment, Spain dialed in to cancel his service. He was transferred to Comcast’s retention department, where he said he waited on hold for three hours until a recording let him know that Comcast had closed for the day.
The hits just keep coming for Comcast. It was bad enough when Ryan Block recorded the infamous customer service call from hell and when another Comcast customer showed how Comcast would only refund bogus charges to his account after he revealed to them that he’d recorded a phone call with a rep who explicitly said the charges wouldn’t apply. Now Comcast is having to deal with yet another instance of embarrassingly bad service: A customer who tried to cancel his account and was promptly put on hold for three-and-a-half hours until Comcast’s customer retention offices had closed for the day. The customer in question, YouTube user Aaron Spain, decided to take a video of his experience once he hit his third hour of Comcast customer service captivity. He held his phone up to the camera that showed he had indeed been on the phone with Comcast’s phone number (1-800-266-2278, a.k.a., 1-800-COMCAST) for three hours. He took a separate phone at around 10:30 p.m. and tried to give Comcast a call using a different line. After going through the usual endless parade of menu options, he finally reached the one that let him cancel all his services… only to receive a message saying that the customer retention department’s office had closed for the day.