Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks the Surface Book is “deluded”

Steve Ballmer may think Microsoft is the only company that can compete with Apple on a hardware level, but Apple CEO Tim Cook isn’t really impressed with what Microsoft has to offer. The Surface Book, which Microsoft’s answer to both the iPad and the MacBook, is “deluded,” according to Cook, who claims that it tries too hard to be both a laptop and a tablet it ends up being mediocre at both. 

Apple’s iPad Pro launches today and CEO Tim Cook thinks it’s going to the best thing since sliced bread. It can multitask by allowing users to work in two apps side by side. You can pair up a Bluetooth Apple Pencil and draw on the screen. You can attach a keyboard. Sound familiar? That’s because it kind of sounds like Apple’s take on the Surface Pro – a powerful computer offered by Microsoft. And while imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, Tim Cook is bashing Microsoft’s latest invention, the Surface Book, which pushes the envelope even further. In an interview with that primarily discusses Apple’s intentions to create new jobs in Ireland, Cook took jabs at Microsoft’s new laptop/tablet hybrid, which offers more of a rigid traditional notebook design than the Surface Pro family. “It’s a product that tries too hard to do too much,” Cook argued. “It’s trying to be a tablet and a notebook and it really succeeds at being neither. It’s sort of deluded.”

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