Home Apple Apple is expected to sell 36 million Apple Watches within a year

Apple is expected to sell 36 million Apple Watches within a year


Some analysts have claimed that demand for the Apple Watch should plateau very soon, but Morgan Stanley would veg to differ. According to the investment bank, consumer interest in the device is already strong and is growing at a rapid pace, and should help apple sell somewhere around 36 million units of its smartwatch within a year of its release. 

Countering an analyst report earlier on Wednesday predicting a plateau to Apple Watch demand, investment bank Morgan Stanley says U.S. consumer interest is not just strong, but is increasing, with first-year sales estimated to hit 36 million units. Citing Morgan Stanley’s AlphaWise U.S. Wearables survey, analyst Katy Huberty raised base case Apple Watch sales estimates 20 percent from 30 million units to 36 million units for the device’s first 12 months of availability. She considers the estimate conservative, noting it implies only “definitely” buy survey responses (as opposed to “probably” will buy), assumes 50 percent U.S mix despite an existing 30 percent iPhone mix and disregards an increasing iPhone install base. The survey showed Apple Watch purchase intent consistently rise over the past six months, with the biggest increase recorded after Apple launched in April, Huberty said.


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