Apple is hosting Hour of Code at retail stores across the globe

Hour of Code is back for its second year to introduce kids to the world of programming and hopefully inspire a few to take a long-term interest in the field. A host of tech firms are once again getting involved in the initiative, which is run by, a non-profit dedicated to expanding involvement in computer science by increasing accessibility in schools. Apple, for one, is doing its bit to support Hour of Code, with special workshops taking place at its stores around the world on December 11.

Apple on Thursday announced that it will collaborate with Seattle-based for the second year in a row, hosting the Hour of Code — designed to introduce the basics of computer programming — and other events at its retail stores. The events will take place at brick-and-mortar Apple outlets during Computer Science Education Week, which runs from Dec. 8 to Dec. 14. The Hour of Code will take place on Dec. 11, with other workshops scheduled throughout the week. Apple’s Regent Street location in London, for instance, will host a talk from NaturalMotion CEO Torsten Reil on Dec. 9. Reil, whose company produced Clumsy Ninja, will discuss “why he started coding and the thrill of developing next-generation mobile games that wow people with creativity and technology.”

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