Home Apple Apple wants Samsung to pay $180 million for copying the iPhone

Apple wants Samsung to pay $180 million for copying the iPhone


It looks like $548 million wasn’t enough for Apple, because less than two weeks after Samsung was ordered to pay that amount to the company for infringing on the designs and patents of the iPhone, Apple is demanding $180 million more. According to Apple, it’s owed even more money from Samsung for interest and supplemental damages relating to five smartphones the company released after 2012, which is when Samsung was originally found guilty of copying the iPhone. This is just the latest in a long-running and seemingly never-ending conflict between the two companies. 

Just over a week after Samsung paid Apple more than $548 million for infringing the patents and designs of the iPhone, Apple has asked a U.S. court to force its biggest smartphone rival to cough up even more. In court papers filed on Wednesday, Apple Inc. said Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. owes nearly $180 million in supplemental damages and interest. These further damages relate to five Samsung devices that infringed Apple’s patents and were sold after a 2012 jury verdict finding Samsung liable in the dispute. Representatives for Samsung and Apple could not immediately be reached for comment. The long-running dispute dates back to 2011, when Apple sued Samsung alleging the South Korean electronics company violated its patents and copied the look of the iPhone. After the 2012 verdict, Samsung was ordered to pay $930 million to Apple. In May, a U.S. appeals court stripped about $382 million from that total, saying Cupertino, California-based Apple could not protect the phone’s appearance through trademarks. Samsung paid Apple the bulk of the judgment, $548.2 million, on December 14. In a case that has come to epitomise the global smartphone war, Apple and Samsung have more battles ahead.


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