Ransler Dier

16 Techi-rific Google Logo Doodles

When Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, wanted to do something creative with their logo back in 1999 to signify their attendance at...

Lists For The Masses By The Masses

Lists are everywhere on the Internet and everyone seems to have an opinion about how the items are ranked therein or just all out...

Find Out How Insignificant You Are On The Web!

Who doesn’t want to compare their own Internet impact with their friend’s footprint? Your digital footprint will only be like a drop of rain...

Introducing The 1-Bit Symphony

The 1-Bit Symphony is not a recorded album in a traditional sense, it instead adapts to create the music right in front of you;...

First Ever Torrent Exclusive Series Released

Torrents have been getting a bad rap lately, but pressure has been increasing lately as more and more studios are cracking down on piracy....

App of the Dead Straight From Mr. Romero Himself

Oh, George Romero… what happened? On top of the world of horror at one moment with your groundbreaking films filled with the walking dead...

Get Your iPhone Pregnant and Suffer The Consequences

Do we all remember the Tamagotchi craze in the 90s? Those annoying little digital playthings made up of only a few pixels made my...

These Speakers for the iPod Look Like Something Out of a Sci-Fi Film

Have you ever been to a house and stated in your head “WTF were they thinking?” when judging their design choices? Now with the...

Safari 5 Makes Browsing Faster

Apple has released it’s new version of Safari. The latest version of the popular web browser, Safari 5, boasts a performance boost and many...

WWDC Predictions: What Will Be Unveiled Next Week?

Apple has been hyping Monday's upcoming World Wide Developers Conference pretty heavily. With all this hype, it better be good. Here is a roundup...

Paid Apps Stay at the Top of the Charts Longer Than the Freebies

According to a new study of recent chart activity on the App Store, apps that are costing money are more “sticky” on the top...

Yelp and OpenTable Partnership Makes Getting Reservations Easy

A new partnership between Yelp and OpenTable will allow the US public to browse restaurant reviews written by users and quickly make reservations within...

New Bike Add-On Allows For Phone Charging… The Green Way

The green movement has stopped being just about saving our dying planet and has become the fashionable thing to do. I am not sure...

Oil Spill Woes Make An Appearance At Your Doorstep Through New Website

While I am not sure how “cool” the content is but this new website is offering a very insightful look into how huge the...

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