Home Apple Automakers continue to dismiss Apple’s automotive ambitions

Automakers continue to dismiss Apple’s automotive ambitions


The former CEO of General Motors isn’t the only one questioning Apple’s decision to enter the automotive market,  Chairman of Daimler AG Dieter Zetsche believes the company is making a mistake as well. As far as Zetsche is concerned, Daimler should be no more afraid of Apple entering the automotive market than Apple would be if Daimler entered the mobile market. However, many industry leaders said much the same thing when Apple the computer company was planning to enter the mobile market and we all know how that ended.

It happens each time there is talk that Apple is preparing to enter a new product category: industry leaders issue the standard statement that they’re unfazed by potential Apple competition because 1) Apple makes computers and 2) this is their turf, their expertise. Almost like fulfilling the prophecy, head of Mercedes-Benz cars Dieter Zetsche recently did just that while discussing the rumor with Australian publication motoring.com.au: “If there were a rumour that Mercedes or Daimler planned to start building smartphones then they (Apple) would not be sleepless at night. And the same applies to me.” Zetsche added that his position in saying that Apple building a car would be like Mercedes building a smartphone is “full of respect” for the iPhone maker. As for that prophecy, the Mercedes-Benz chairman’s comments certainly draw recollection to former Palm CEO Ed Colligan’s famous line about the iPhone: “PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They’re not going to just walk in.” They did. More recently, Swatch CEO Nick Hayek made a similar claim discounting the smartwatch market. Now Swatch is planning its own just in time for the Apple Watch debut in April.


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