Bada-Bing: Microsoft Actually Beats Google to a Feature

This is worthy of note because honestly, it simply doesn’t happen every day. Bing has actually beaten Google to a feature. Through its King of Bing Maps contest, Microsoft is getting its hands on some clever new tricks.

One feature of particular note is Bing’s sudden ability to calculate cab fare. Simply select a region (for that city’s fare approximation), input directions as usual, and – bada-bing – your taxi fare is more or less on the nose. Y’know that thing you do, where you waver your hand to indicate ‘enh, so-so’? Yeah, it’s that.

Personally, I don’t need an app to tell me my cab fare is going to be invariably ‘expensive’. I’m content to walk everywhere. But perhaps you’re practically abrim with currency! This will definitely be your bag.

You can check out this and the other King of Bing entries here.

Nah, I’m just having a laugh, it’s here.


  1. I would say Bing has beaten Google to more than one innovative feature. Google’s new image search results are very similar to Bing’s. It is nice to see MS actually trying to innovate.


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