Verizon will soon allow customers to bring their own Verizon compatible devices to the network when choosing a More Everything plan. The BYOD strategy begins on April 17th, alongside a few pricing changes as well. Customers with data plans of 8GB or below will be able to add a smartphone to their account for just $30, and customers with 10GB or more of data can add a device for just $15.
Verizon will finally offer discounts when you bring your own device starting on April 17, the company announced today. The new deal will cover any customers signing up for the carrier’s More Everything contracts as well as existing customers who move to the new plans. The carrier’s new offer means you can save a bit more on Verizon’s contracts. If you’re signed up for 8GB of data or less per month, you’ll save $10 per month when you bring your own device. Anyone paying for 10GB of data or more will be saving $25 per month instead. These discounts apply to new customers and existing subscribers looking to add a new line, though you’ll need to bring a smartphone that works on Verizon’s network.