Candy Crush Saga will be bundled with EVERY version of Windows 10

The days of playing Minesweeper and Solitaire on your computer because you’re too poor to buy a game that doesn’t come built-in to your operating system are over. I mean, they’ll still be built in, but why would you play those old games when you can play something like Candy Crush Saga? That’s right, Microsoft has announced that the ridiculously popular mobile game will come bundled with all versions of Windows 10 whether you like it or not. 

Gaming has always been a huge part of the Windows experience, with titles like Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts each being played millions of times over the years. While these are all returning in Windows 10, those aren’t the only games you’ll be playing. In fact, we’ve got some great news to announce today: King will be bringing Candy Crush Saga to Windows 10. If you’ve been paying attention to gaming (or pop culture in general) chances are pretty high that you’ve heard of King’s smash mobile hit Candy Crush Saga. With its compelling blend of tricky puzzles coated in gorgeous eye candy, Candy Crush Saga is a global phenomenon for good reason. Windows Phone users have been enjoying Candy Crush Saga since its launch on the platform in December, and later this year, all Windows 10 owners will be able to experience the hit game that’s swept the mobile world like wildfire. As an added bonus, Candy Crush Saga will automatically be installed for customers that upgrade to or download Windows 10 for periods of time following the game launch. It will even include cross-play options for your iOS and Android devices.

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