
What do you really get from an online education?

The recent announcement that Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are collaborating to provide free online classes through...

For Salesforce, Buddy Media plus Radian6 equals corporate social gold

When all considerations are tallied, it's possible that Salesforce has invested over a billion dollars into social media through...

TIL Twitter has a relatively-small number of employees

It only takes 140-characters or less to send a Tweet and it takes under 1,000 employees to operate the...

ScoreBig attempts to revolutionize crowded market of selling online tickets

With a bevy of recognizable names in the online ticket marketplace, such as Stubhub, TicketsNow, and Ticketmaster, ScoreBig entered the...

A new social media site just for your grandparents is in the works

It’s bad news enough when your mother discreetly sends you a friend request via your favorite social media site....

Social media: How politicians will win the future over

For decades politicians have fought to gain a foothold in the crucial 18-24 demographic. No longer is this just...

Searching for social media’s John Hughes

This generation's filmmakers have not been able to accurately portray the ethos of the social media generation yet. When...

The rise of the mini media moguls

Social media is allowing a whole new generation to emerge. With young adults and children taking over social networking...

GM’s facebook ad brawl – sociability vs. visibility

So, after a couple of weeks, the truth has come out about GM’s sudden Facebook ad maneuver. Or at...