YouTube’s tenth birthday was this month and in order to celebrate, a YouTube channel by the name of The Daily Conversation has compiled some of the best viral videos to hit the video-sharing website over the last decade into a 16 minute mega-video. Those of you who have been around since the early days are sure to have a nostalgic trip watching the video.
So, did you remember to get YouTube a gift for its 10th birthday? If you didn’t, that’s OK—it turns out that video platforms don’t celebrate in the same way as we humans, being corporate entities based around conceptual ideas. Anyway, WIRED editrix Angela Watercutter said everything that needed to be said on NPR. [Eds. Note: Oh, hi!] While Google’s all-encompassing video portal gets a couple of entries in this week’s roundup, it’s more a week for Twitter to shine, with Norm MacDonald’s SNL reminiscences, Jessica Williams taking on those looking to cast her as a victim, and Sesame Street restoring an important piece of our childhoods. Here, as ever, is what’s been popping on those tubes we call Internet over the last seven days.