Scientists are one step closer to creating a real-life version of Dr. Seuss‘ green eggs and ham, thanks to the birth of ten transgenic pigs in late December that glow green when placed under a black light. Zhenfang Wu and Zicong Li of the South China Agricultural University used a technique developed by reproductive scientists from the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s John A. Burns School of Medicine to transfer plasmids (small DNA molecules, separate from the chromosomal DNA within a cell) carrying a fluorescent protein from jellyfish DNA into the pig embryos.
Chinese scientists have created glow-in-the-dark pigsC
Every once in a while science comes up with something so amazing, so incredible, that the universe seems filled with wonder and possibilities. Then there are the days that scientists create glow-in-the-dark pigs. Yes, a team of scientists from South China Agricultural University has created a litter of glowing piglets, which they recently unveiled to the world. The magical feat was accomplished by injecting the pig embryos with DNA from glowing jellyfish.
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