Cybercrime, “When the hunter learns to shoot without missing, the bird learns to fly without perching.”
This is an age-old adage that rightly depicts this ever evolving breed of criminals. These cybercriminals are each year devising fresh and sophisticated ways of developing threats that target distinct organizations, individuals and computer system. This year, 2013, is no different only that they have advanced in complexity and maliciousness at a very alarming rate.
This article shall delve into the top most predictions to cyber attacks.
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat)
The year 2012 saw a number of complex attacks for example Gauss and Flame that was aimed at both corporations and governments. These well planned attacks are dubbed Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). They are intricate and highly complex. The main idea behind APT attacks is to subtly gain access to the targeted network then steal information. Their slow low profile kind of approach makes them hardly detectable by even the toughest security, guaranteeing their chances of success.
Moreover, APTs have a wide array of vectors and thus don’t rely on well known programs. A great example of the newer vectors of APTs is embedded systems. In the light of the now rapidly growing number of devices with IP addresses, a tougher security system should be developed around these devices.
Cloud security
Cloud computing as an emerging trend that exhibits rapid growth. A large number of companies are storing their information in public cloud storage services; those storage services present an irresistible target for cybercriminals.
One single attack on a central public cloud storage service means the compromise of sensitive information for a lot of companies and consequently their customers. For the purpose of protecting their information, companies should be in the habit of always checking with the company offering cloud service on the security of their stored data.
The adoption on the new version of HTML- HTML5 – has seen rise in the attacks targeted at the platforms using this programming language e.g. web design. HTML 5 supports cross-platform and integration of a plethora of technologies and as per an early 2012 Black Hat conference, the flexibility of the language poses a threat to the platforms.
In as much as the security of HTMLF has been on the forefront after its development, the mere fact that it is a new language means that its use during development is still experimental to many developers and programmer. It is for this reason that many developers are bound to slip during its use and such loopholes will be mercilessly exploited by cybercriminals.
In creating secure HTML5, for collection of information from clients, companies should get the most resent SSL certificates. (More on this is explained on
In the final analysis, the attacks from cyber criminals have become more sophisticated and thus the IT departments and security firms and professional should also keep up by developing new approaches to curb these persistent and complex attacks and thus protecting their information. Businesses on the other hand are tasked with the job of vetting the individuals and firms involved with the security of their information and should always keep them on their toes.
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