Death by Smartphone: Apps Beat CD Sales


GetJar researchers reckon the CD is a dead format and smartphone applications are the new rock and roll, predicting the dollar value of app sales made  in 2012 will be far greater than that of CDs.

They say mobile apps will generate $17.5 billion of revenues by 2012. The research also claims that in 2009, the number of mobile app stores jumped from eight to 38 – and is set to further increase in 2010.

“This report signifies a battle for survival of the fittest among app stores worldwide – with app revenue and growth opportunities growing significantly,” says CEO Ilja Laurs. “There is no way that this many app stores will survive in the long term and while the value of the global app economy is set to be astoundingly high by 2012, we think only a few app stores will share this revenue.”

The line between powerful feature phones and smart phones is blurring as consumers demand powerful yet cost effective devices – effectively expanding the apps revenue opportunity across a much broader range of handsets.


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