DNA of a successful book

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Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down to read a good book? However, have you ever thought about what it takes to make a good book? The length, content, and audience are all important factors when it comes to creating a bestseller.

The average length of a best selling book is an average of 375 pages. Although, 87% of people will finish a book that is 300 pages. And only 35% of readers will finish a book that is 700 or more pages.

When it comes to content, books with a female protagonist are 40% more likely to become a bestseller, men are ten times as likely to show interest in books that feature a male protagonist. But, 50% of women are more likely to finish a book than men are.

The readers are probably the most important part. Without them, the book wouldn’t reach bestseller status. So it’s important to take reading trends into consideration when writing or deciding how to market a book. For example, electronic books are becoming more and more popular, so providing an electronic version of your book will definitely garner more readers. In fact, 82% of ebook readers live in cities. Cost is another important factor as well. Books that cost $.99 sell 12 times more than others and books that cost $3.99 have the most revenue earned.

Check out the infographic below presented by Hiptype to learn more about the DNA of a successful book.

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