When people think about startup hubs, they probably think about the well-established American giants, their rising European counterparts, or the burgeoning tech centers of Asia, not some sandy city in the Middle East. But what if that city was Dubai? It might be easier to imagine then but still, Dubai wouldn’t come to anyone’s mind when they think about tech startups. It should though.
Dubai looks like what would happen if Donald Trump played Minecraft: ever more ridiculous towers bursting forth from the sand, steel and glass everywhere. At night, it feels like the city from ‘Bladerunner’ blessed with better weather. What Dubai doesn’t feel like at first glance is a startup hub. Though it practically sweats money, it doesn’t immediately strike you as a hive of hustlers building scrappy new businesses. 30 years ago, the city state was an underdog, but now it’s defined by supercar-stuffed highways and other ostentatious expressions of wealth. Dig a little deeper and Dubai’s potential to dominate the MENA region as the place for startups to set up shop becomes apparent. The first factor – before you even start to talk about the talent – is Emirates, the state airline, which has grown to become one of the world’s best carriers, and projects the tiny country’s influence globally.