We could each have hundreds of Internet-connected devices by 2040

How many Internet-connected devices do you have? Most of us only have a handful while some may have a dozen or more, but according to SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, the Internet of Things revolution will make it so that every person will have more than 1,000 Internet-connected devices within the next 25 years or so. Everything from your refrigerator to your CHAIR will be connected to the Internet by 2040 apparently. 

SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son has high hopes for the burgeoning internet-of-things movement. “Each individual, on average, will have more than 1,000 devices that are connected to the internet by 2040,” he told the audience at SoftBank World yesterday. “There will be no devices that aren’t connected.” In Son’s world, the living room chair of the future will no longer be a simple piece of furniture. It will be a healthcare device, full of sensors that capture health-related data. Based on those readings, it will communicate with your refrigerator, which will then recommend what food to eat. The chair will share data with your shoes to determine if you’ve got a healthy balance between resting and moving around. For those inclined to balk at Son’s prediction, he points to the history of smartphone adoption in Japan.

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