Estonians can vote in a matter of seconds thanks to e-voting

The process of voting in the United States, and most places for that matter, can be a tedious and annoying process. For people in Estonia, however, it takes a matter of minutes thanks to the use of electronic voting. The process is simple and easy, a source of much pride for the Estonian people. 

In Estonia, it takes voters less than a few minutes to vote for president on their mobile phones. The technology for super-quick electronic voting exists, but its available in only a few countries around in the world. Estonia held a round of voting this week, and happy citizens were tweeting how proud they were of the country’s technologically forward-thinking government. “Gave just my vote in two minutes, being hundreds of miles away from home. How awesome is this. #election #Estonia” tweeted one citizen. The reason why America hasn’t adopted online voting remains complicated. The simplest explanation is that American elections would be a much (much) bigger target for hackers, so the security protocols have to be more stringent.

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