Home Gadgets Explore Alaskan ice caves with this GoPro-equipped quadcopter

Explore Alaskan ice caves with this GoPro-equipped quadcopter


Using a ‘quadcopter’ drone and a GoPro camera, a film crew from Los Angeles has captured breathtaking views of the ice caves that wind their way through Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier. The rapid melting of this glacier means that similar footage could be unattainable in just a few years. “For me it was the raw beauty and power of the glacier that really inspired me to film the glacier,” Christopher Carson, a producer for Firefight Films, told the Alaska Dispatch. 

So happy we’re watching this while we’re inside where there’s heat One of the great things about drones is they can explore remote, inaccessible locations, like the gorgeous ice caves in Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier. This video, “Bigger Than Life,” bills itself as the “first documented drone flight through ice caves” and captures stunning views using a GoPro camera and a quadcopter drone. See? Drones are good for so much more than just delivering your Amazon purchases.


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