Facebook birthday’s New Year hangover

Facebook Birthday January 2013

Facebook normally can be a great way to display some birthday affection to the many friends that you have become acquainted with over your years on Facebook. From the friends you play online games with, share your days and nights with to those you barely know but can’t help love their status updates. Facebook birthdays sure can make life easier when you want to ensure that you remember that special day and to be able to easily express yourself to those who you not only like but who have become likable.

As many of us wake from our slumber in the early morning of the very first day of 2013, we see that oddly it seems like everyone and their grandmother is celebrating a birthday today. So after we wipe the sleep from our eyes and double check if it is an effect from the New Year’s Eve hangover that was concocted from the night before, we certainly question whether we are seeing things or if Facebook is still drunk.

It seems as though something has happened to their birthday system over night and has many confused as to whose birthday is actually taking place today, and since we have become heavily reliant on this source, many of us Facebook users are questioning if a mini Y2K birthday moment happened in the event that now it is 2013 and the world didn’t end as predicted, silly Mayans.

News feeds will surely be filled with Happy New Year status updates today, to be expected, but don’t be surprised to see many conversations surrounding what in the world is going on with Facebook birthdays. Some of us will take the leap and wish people a happy day, while others will wait it out to see whose birthday it actually is, if you are one of the many people that Facebook reads as today being your birthday when it actually isn’t and do not want to receive what is sure to be a massive amount of Happy Birthday status updates, then you might want to try and edit your information through Facebook celebrations.

Speaking of celebrations, it looks like Facebook might have partied a little too hard last night and to that we say… go home Facebook, you’re drunk.


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