It’s usually Twitter the takes inspiration from Facebook, but today, it was Facebook that decided to change the way search works on its service to be more Twitter-like. Previously, search on Facebook was limited to just posts that friends has made, but now, just like Twitter, the search results include every single public post that was ever made on the service.
Facebook is making a big change to the way search works on its platform today: it’s now opening up search to all of its over 2 trillion posts. When Facebook first introduced graph search in 2013, it was limited to searching through your friends’ posts, but now you can look through any public post ever made. In the company’s own words: “When you search, you’ll now see the most recent, relevant public posts along with posts from your friends. Search results are organized to help you cut through the noise and quickly understand what the world is saying about a topic in the moment.” Additionally, you’ll now be able to pull-to-refresh on the search page for the latest posts on mobile, and Facebook is adding a way to look through public posts about popular links. It even lets you see popular quotes and phrases by users related to that post, and provides an “aggregate overview of sentiment” about a particular topic.