Facebook is tweaking its news feed algorithm again, this time to combat posts that contains “like-baiting,” duplicate content and “spammy links.” Facebook says the algorithm change is in response to user feedback, and hopes to minimize the visibility of content the company considers “spammy.” Included as spammy are posts that include “like-baiting,” a strategy that actively encourages users to Like, comment, or share content with friends to boost its circulation.
Facebook has made an update to the News Feed algorithm that has been a long time coming. If you are like me, you are very tired of being asked to Like a photo to save a baby seal or seeing the same content over and over. This kind of content is NOT social media marketing. Thanks to the most recent Facebook News Feed algorithm update, spammy marketers will have their page content devalued. These people will undoubtedly be the most vocal when it comes to the reduced Reach conversation, but that is another blog post entirely. Before we dive into the changes, let’s revisit what makes the newsfeed algorithm tick. In short, the more engagement you get, the more people you will reach. If you want a more lengthy explanation, take a peek at this great graphic from TechCrunch.