Hands-free just got hands-on, as Microsoft’s would-be Wii-killer, Kinect, is the first to get its own sex game.
Though the game (which at time of writing, is still nameless), produced by adult videogame developer ThriXXX, is not an official port – you need a PC running Windows 7 – it… sorta looks interesting, a little, I guess? There’s a video, but out of respect for the thousands of parents obviously browsing Techi with children on their laps, you’re gonna have to click Read More to see it.
Basically, it works like every other Kinect game: wave your hands around to accomplish a task. You thought the Wii made you look stupid? You should set up a mirror and watch yourself play Kinect sometime. Anyway, the ‘task’ in this case is fondling a woman, which I can only imagine is surreal when you’re not really feeling anything at all, save perhaps your moistened unmentionables. Just do that off-camera, or Kinect might think you’re trying to punch the on-screen girl, or something.
Says alleged sex expert Kyle Machulis of the game:
“Kinect is obviously a natural technology for this kind of usage, since the ‘hands-free’ approach means that the user’s hands are available for other actions, be it manipulating the game, or themselves – or, in this case, possibly both at the same time.”
Anyway, that’s probably enough text to suitably hide the video behind a jump.
Thanks for sharing such a good post but ,the video you posted is not present at Youtube.com.