First person to release an open source iOS 7 jailbreak will recieve a crowdfunded reward

A number of prominent people have grown tired of waiting for an iOS 7 jailbreak, months after its release, and have banded together to create a crowdfunded reward for the first person to release an open source iOS 7 jailbreak. While there is already an iOS 7 jailbreak available, it costs around $30-50 to access.

Months after its release, iOS 7 is not yet jailbroken. At least, that’s the popular belief. So a number of prominent people, including science fiction author and digital freedom activist Cory Doctorow, have banded together to establish the “Device Freedom Prize” — a crowdfunded reward for the first open source iOS 7 jailbreak. The ringleader is Elizabeth Stark, currently an entrepreneur-in-residence at StartX, a Stanford University accelerator.

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