For this one-year-old, a magazine is simply a broken iPad

iPad Magazine

It’s hard to decide whether this is a testament to how technology is advancing and making things more accessible to people of all ages or whether we’re training the children of today’s society to rely on electronic devices, losing part of our heritage and enabling a reliance on technological innovations to define our methods of media and communication. Either way, it’s adorable.

According to YouTube user UserExperiencesWorks:

Technology codes our minds, changes our OS. Apple products have done this extensively. The video shows how magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives. It shows real life clip of a 1-year old, growing among touch screens and print. And how the latter becomes irrelevant. Medium is message. Humble tribute to Steve Jobs, by the most important person : a baby.

It appears the next generation of geniuses are already getting acquainted with a different kind of digital society.


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