Your service is probably pretty fly if you’ve hit ten million users, and Foursquare as of Monday has become such a service.
Foursquare, in case you’re dead, is the darling of the location-based social networking party, and has hither and yon become a great service for both consumers and businesses alike. Now, of course, how many of those ten million are actually using their Foursquare accounts – mine, for instance, exists as little more than an verification email – but any way you slice it, it’s still reason to tip your proverbial hat. Foursquare was even nice enough to do up this slick little animated infographic to mark the occasion. Because you know you haven’t seen enough infographics, lately.
How many insatiable, chronic Foursquare users have we got in the audience, anyway? Hands? Is it still mayor of your hearts, as far as you’re concerned?