You know what? I think you’ve had enough sleep. In fact, I think you’ve had enough sleep for the next several weeks, and I’m going to make sure you don’t – I’m going to make you watch this video.
Not-oft-loved-enough-by-North-Americans company Fujitsu breakdanced its brand new technologies all over Tokyo’s Fujitsu Forum 2010 this week, and among the lot is this absolutely terrifying bear.
Interestingly enough, this robotic atrocity is designed not as a toy for children, but as therapy, chiefly for the elderly. The idea is that it fills the role of a pet or small child, allowing you to feel less guilty for never calling your grandmother. In any case, to fill that role Fujitsu is attempting to make the bear’s reaction to stimuli as… realistic… as possible.
Just wait for that horrifying giggle at the end of the video.
Sweet dreams.
[Via Plastic Pals]
This isn’t nearly as terrifying as that Elmo toy that get up on its own.
The voice in the background asked “Is it happy now?”
The reply: “It looks kind of sleepy.”
Yikes. I don’t like it’s black hole, soulless eyes.