The Pez is strong with this one.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned about true geeks over the years, it’s that they love Star Wars in any form. Our patience was tested to its fullest with the most recent trilogy, but we did not waver for very long. Disney and JJ Abrams give us hope, a new hope, so to speak, but until we go through another round of tests of our trust in the Star Wars universe, we have these flash drive Pez dispensers around to keep us busy.
According to BitRebels:
Another example are these super geeky Star Wars Pez Dispensers that are modded to include a flash drive inside. Etsy artist DHHdesign specializes in creating flash drive repurposed gifts, and these little Pez dispensers are brilliant! I gotta have that R2.
May the candy be with you. Always.
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