Google has been gathering a lot of attention recently for its wildly ambitious autonomous vehicle project and, while it looks very promising, there are still a few roadblocks that the technology giant hasn’t been able to overcome, most of which stem from the fact that Google isn’t an automotive company. While no automaker has stepped forward to lend their experience to Google, General Motors has hinted that hasn’t ruled out the possibility of a collaboration.
Google has ambitious plans for autonomous driving, but the Web giant is facing more than a few major challenges, starting with the fact that it’s a total newbie when it comes to the car market. So, perhaps Google can get a little help from a company that knows a thing or two about making and selling cars—like General Motors, for instance. As it turns out, the car maker wouldn’t rule out the idea. Speaking at the Detroit Auto Show on Monday, GM Chief Technology Officer Jon Lauckner said his company is open to working with Google on self-driving car technologies. “I’m not in charge of deciding what we will and won’t do, but I’d say we’d certainly be open to having a discussion with them,” Lauckner said, according to a report from Fortune. His comments come just days before the head of Google’s self-driving car project, Chris Urmson, is slated to speak at the conference.