Last week, a Google Glass Explorer named Brian Buquoi in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, received a card along with his replacement Glass product which stated, “This unit of the Google Glass Explorer Edition has been approved for use in Canada by Industry Canada…” The card is perhaps an ultra stealth announcement by Google, or just an early “oops” moment preceding a major media rollout. Nothing official has been announced by Google, but the card clearly states that Glass has been approved by Industry Canada.
Wearable devices are the hot new trend in the market these days and if you’re living in Canada and out in the market for a wearable device you might want to start saving up some serious money. Even though the Google Glass falls in the wearable device category don’t expect it to be priced like other wearable devices, such as smartwatches. This $1,500 contraption has only been available in the U.S. and UK up till now but now it looks like the release in Canada has been penciled in for the near future. Since Google Glass is not carrier by retailers and the company itself doesn’t have stores that just sell this device all sales will be made through the Play Store. The Explorer Edition unit costs $1,500 in the U.S. and there probably won’t be much of a difference in price when it finally becomes available in Canada.