Google Glass may be the ultimate distraction that could kill any of us

Google Glass

When Google first announced the Glass Project nearly a year ago, it looked like a nice enhancement to life that puts many of the powers of smartphones into the handsfree realm of wearable tech. Using voice commands and visual displays in the top right corner of view, the dream was to connect the world through the web in an intuitive interface that combined form and function beautifully.

After watching the video below, Google Glass now appears to be the most dangerous new technology coming available.

I’m only half kidding. This technology may be so cool, so useful, so distracting, that the funny videos of people texting on their smartphones and falling into a fountain will be replaced by terrible accidents caused by the sheer awesomeness of Google Glass. In essence, it looks like something that will have people skydiving recklessly, shooting videos while driving, wearing their glasses on roller coasters (clearly a flying object hazard), and spinning our kids precariously while taking pictures of their smiling faces.

Then again, it may just be a really nifty technological fad that does no damage and becomes a novelty in a couple of years. We’ll see.


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